Butterfly Hug is a technique which involves crossing your arms over your chest so that the middle fingers rest just below the collarbone, with the remaining fingers and hands positioned along the area beneath the collarbone’s connection to the shoulders and sternum. The hands should be as vertical as possible, with fingers pointing toward the neck rather than the arms. You may choose to interlock your thumbs to form the body of the butterfly, with your extended fingers representing its wings. Close or partially close your eyes, directing your gaze toward the tip of your nose. Begin alternating the movement of your hands, simulating the gentle flapping of butterfly wings. Allow your hands to move naturally as you take slow, deep abdominal breaths. Observe your thoughts, images, sounds, feelings, and bodily sensations without judgment or effort to change them—simply let them pass, like clouds in the sky. Stop when you feel ready, and rest your hands on your thighs.
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